Friday, January 10, 2014

The Secret of Dating: For Boys

You're looking at a cutesy, girly page! Don't be embarrassed. This is good for you. You may feel like if you get caught reading this by some other guy you'll lose you're man card. It's ok. Just make them read this too (they probably need it more than you do.) Cause I'm about to tell you the secret of dating that girl you really like.

Listen close!

I'll break it down into three simple things for you. Think you can manage that? Sure you can!


Girls always reminisce: what happened to the "good days" when boys asked a girl on a date by saying "Can I take you on a date?" instead of "We should do something sometime."

You might be thinking "I can't do that! What if they say 'no'?"

Here's a little secret: a girl is more likely to say yes if you are direct about your interest.

By saying "We should do something sometime" you are giving the girl an out! If she's not interested she'll say "ya, sure" and if you're lucky some day it might actually happen, but it will probably be with a group of other people and you'll forever be stuck in what the kids are calling the "friend zone."

If she's interested she'll go with it but neither of you will ever know cause you're just "doing something." And let's be honest, girls over think things. They will wonder over and over if this whole "doing something" is a date or not, so they'll play it cool by not acting too interested.

Now practice. "Can I take you on a date this weekend?"

Scenario #1: The girl is really impressed. She says yes. You win ten points and a date.
Scenario #2: The girl is really impressed. She says no. You win ten points and move on with life. (She'll probably be appreciating your directness the rest of the day and reconsider anyway.)


There is a lot to be said about a guy who opens doors. He goes to the girls front door to pick her up for a date, opens her car door for her to get in (let's avoid the awkward opening her door for her to get out of the car though,) and opens all building doors for her. True, you might get your occasional feminist who is offended, but they're so rare that you should probably stop reading this blog now and start a collection of endangered species if you've found one.

Other gentlemanly attribute: LISTEN. Seriously. Hitch had it right. Don't be looking at her lips and wondering what they feel like. If you like her you'll like what she has to say too. Remember the old days of "don't kiss on the first date?" It still applies!

You'll get a date by being direct, but you'll get a second date by listening and responding to what she has to say.

3. GENUINE compliments

Now, I'm not talking about "you're ______ " (insert adjective of physical appearance here). Girls don't want to hear how hot, beautiful, sexy, or cute they are. Yes, a simple "You look nice" or "You look great tonight" at the beginning of a date is wonderful. But PLEASE don't tell us in conversations how pretty we are all the time.

A girl wants to know you're interested in HER not her body. Compliment her on things that make her who she is. Her personality and talents. Wait until you're married to reassure her that you're also still attracted to her physically.

But don't put her on a pedestal. By doing that you are screaming to her "you're better than me! I don't deserve you." And she'll believe it. Admire her without being in awe of her. After all, YOU'RE the man! Be the man!

And that's it. Will following these three things ensure that you'll marry the girl you've been crushing on? Probably not. That's between the two of you. I'm just telling you three little secrets to help. Cause really, girls aren't as complicated as people say. We want respect and honesty just like anyone else.

Now stop reading and start dating.